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TVision Study Reveals Sports Ticker Increases Attention of CTV Creatives

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July 17, 2024
July 17, 2024
Technical Level
Frank Maguire
VP of Insights, Strategy & Sustainability

Capturing viewers' attention during commercial breaks has always been a challenge, and with the rise of smartphones, it's gotten even harder. To address this issue, our team at Sharethrough has been exploring innovative ways to enhance connected TV (CTV) creatives, aiming to improve viewer attention and engagement. Our latest research with TVision, the leader in TV eye-tracking-based attention measurement, focuses on one such enhancement: the CTV Sports Ticker.

The Challenge of Capturing Attention During Commercial Breaks

Our previous Sharethrough research on Consumer Behaviors During Commercial Breaks revealed that a staggering 76% of people do not pay attention during commercial breaks, primarily because they are distracted by their phones. This insight drove us to investigate turnkey methods to enhance CTV creatives, with the goal of recapturing viewers’ attention and encouraging them to look up from their devices.

The CTV Sports Ticker

One of our most popular enhancements with advertisers is our CTV Sports Ticker, which displays the latest sports scores at the bottom of a CTV creative. In pre-testing, we found that sports fans indicated they were 91% more likely to pay attention to a CTV ad featuring a Sports Ticker compared to an ad without it. To validate these findings in real-world scenarios, we partnered with TVision to measure attention during live campaigns. 

Why TVision

TVision is the leader in TV eye-tracking technology. Their hardware is installed across a panel of thousands of opted-in homes, allowing precise measurement of viewer attention during commercial breaks. This allowed us to measure not just if viewers were looking at the TV screen, but for how long. 


We conducted the study using 50 million CTV impressions from 19 advertisers across a diverse range of verticals. These brands, spanning industries including automotive, CPG, entertainment, gaming and gambling, government, insurance, pharmaceuticals, QSR, telco, and travel, were all utilizing Sharethrough’s CTV Sports Ticker with their CTV ads. TVision’s panel separated viewers into two groups: a control group who saw ads without the Sports Ticker and an exposed group who saw ads with the Sport Ticker.

The Results

14% Increase in Attention

The results were clear: commercials that included the Sports Ticker saw a significant 14% increase in attention. This means the Sports Ticker is effectively grabbing viewers’ attention (and pulling them away from their phones). But the benefits go beyond just initial attention.

19% Increase in Attention to Duration Ratio

TVision also reported a 19% increase in “Attention to Duration Ratio” for commercials featuring the Sports Ticker. This metric measures how effectively an ad keeps viewers engaged throughout its entire duration. Put simply, the Sports Ticker not only captures viewers’ attention initially, but it also holds it for the entirety of the commercial.

CTV Sports Ticker

Our study demonstrates that the CTV Sports Ticker is a highly effective tool for enhancing viewer attention during commercial breaks. By displaying real-time sports scores, advertisers can capture and maintain viewers' attention, ensuring their messages are seen and remembered. This innovation represents a significant step forward in our ongoing efforts to improve the effectiveness of CTV advertising and overcome the challenge of viewer distraction.

Learn more about our CTV Sports Ticker, available for all major sports - now including College Football 🏈

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Capturing viewers' attention during commercial breaks has always been a challenge, and with the rise of smartphones, it's gotten even harder. To address this issue, our team at Sharethrough has been exploring innovative ways to enhance connected TV (CTV) creatives, aiming to improve viewer attention and engagement. Our latest research with TVision, the leader in TV eye-tracking-based attention measurement, focuses on one such enhancement: the CTV Sports Ticker.

The Challenge of Capturing Attention During Commercial Breaks

Our previous Sharethrough research on Consumer Behaviors During Commercial Breaks revealed that a staggering 76% of people do not pay attention during commercial breaks, primarily because they are distracted by their phones. This insight drove us to investigate turnkey methods to enhance CTV creatives, with the goal of recapturing viewers’ attention and encouraging them to look up from their devices.

The CTV Sports Ticker

One of our most popular enhancements with advertisers is our CTV Sports Ticker, which displays the latest sports scores at the bottom of a CTV creative. In pre-testing, we found that sports fans indicated they were 91% more likely to pay attention to a CTV ad featuring a Sports Ticker compared to an ad without it. To validate these findings in real-world scenarios, we partnered with TVision to measure attention during live campaigns. 

Why TVision

TVision is the leader in TV eye-tracking technology. Their hardware is installed across a panel of thousands of opted-in homes, allowing precise measurement of viewer attention during commercial breaks. This allowed us to measure not just if viewers were looking at the TV screen, but for how long. 


We conducted the study using 50 million CTV impressions from 19 advertisers across a diverse range of verticals. These brands, spanning industries including automotive, CPG, entertainment, gaming and gambling, government, insurance, pharmaceuticals, QSR, telco, and travel, were all utilizing Sharethrough’s CTV Sports Ticker with their CTV ads. TVision’s panel separated viewers into two groups: a control group who saw ads without the Sports Ticker and an exposed group who saw ads with the Sport Ticker.

The Results

14% Increase in Attention

The results were clear: commercials that included the Sports Ticker saw a significant 14% increase in attention. This means the Sports Ticker is effectively grabbing viewers’ attention (and pulling them away from their phones). But the benefits go beyond just initial attention.

19% Increase in Attention to Duration Ratio

TVision also reported a 19% increase in “Attention to Duration Ratio” for commercials featuring the Sports Ticker. This metric measures how effectively an ad keeps viewers engaged throughout its entire duration. Put simply, the Sports Ticker not only captures viewers’ attention initially, but it also holds it for the entirety of the commercial.

CTV Sports Ticker

Our study demonstrates that the CTV Sports Ticker is a highly effective tool for enhancing viewer attention during commercial breaks. By displaying real-time sports scores, advertisers can capture and maintain viewers' attention, ensuring their messages are seen and remembered. This innovation represents a significant step forward in our ongoing efforts to improve the effectiveness of CTV advertising and overcome the challenge of viewer distraction.

Learn more about our CTV Sports Ticker, available for all major sports - now including College Football 🏈

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About Behind Headlines: 180 Seconds in Ad Tech—

Behind Headlines: 180 Seconds in Ad Tech is a short 3-minute podcast exploring the news in the digital advertising industry. Ad tech is a fast-growing industry with many updates happening daily. As it can be hard for most to keep up with the latest news, the Sharethrough team wanted to create an audio series compiling notable mentions each week.

Capturing viewers' attention during commercial breaks has always been a challenge, and with the rise of smartphones, it's gotten even harder. To address this issue, our team at Sharethrough has been exploring innovative ways to enhance connected TV (CTV) creatives, aiming to improve viewer attention and engagement. Our latest research with TVision, the leader in TV eye-tracking-based attention measurement, focuses on one such enhancement: the CTV Sports Ticker.

The Challenge of Capturing Attention During Commercial Breaks

Our previous Sharethrough research on Consumer Behaviors During Commercial Breaks revealed that a staggering 76% of people do not pay attention during commercial breaks, primarily because they are distracted by their phones. This insight drove us to investigate turnkey methods to enhance CTV creatives, with the goal of recapturing viewers’ attention and encouraging them to look up from their devices.

The CTV Sports Ticker

One of our most popular enhancements with advertisers is our CTV Sports Ticker, which displays the latest sports scores at the bottom of a CTV creative. In pre-testing, we found that sports fans indicated they were 91% more likely to pay attention to a CTV ad featuring a Sports Ticker compared to an ad without it. To validate these findings in real-world scenarios, we partnered with TVision to measure attention during live campaigns. 

Why TVision

TVision is the leader in TV eye-tracking technology. Their hardware is installed across a panel of thousands of opted-in homes, allowing precise measurement of viewer attention during commercial breaks. This allowed us to measure not just if viewers were looking at the TV screen, but for how long. 


We conducted the study using 50 million CTV impressions from 19 advertisers across a diverse range of verticals. These brands, spanning industries including automotive, CPG, entertainment, gaming and gambling, government, insurance, pharmaceuticals, QSR, telco, and travel, were all utilizing Sharethrough’s CTV Sports Ticker with their CTV ads. TVision’s panel separated viewers into two groups: a control group who saw ads without the Sports Ticker and an exposed group who saw ads with the Sport Ticker.

The Results

14% Increase in Attention

The results were clear: commercials that included the Sports Ticker saw a significant 14% increase in attention. This means the Sports Ticker is effectively grabbing viewers’ attention (and pulling them away from their phones). But the benefits go beyond just initial attention.

19% Increase in Attention to Duration Ratio

TVision also reported a 19% increase in “Attention to Duration Ratio” for commercials featuring the Sports Ticker. This metric measures how effectively an ad keeps viewers engaged throughout its entire duration. Put simply, the Sports Ticker not only captures viewers’ attention initially, but it also holds it for the entirety of the commercial.

CTV Sports Ticker

Our study demonstrates that the CTV Sports Ticker is a highly effective tool for enhancing viewer attention during commercial breaks. By displaying real-time sports scores, advertisers can capture and maintain viewers' attention, ensuring their messages are seen and remembered. This innovation represents a significant step forward in our ongoing efforts to improve the effectiveness of CTV advertising and overcome the challenge of viewer distraction.

Learn more about our CTV Sports Ticker, available for all major sports - now including College Football 🏈

About Calibrate—

Founded in 2015, Calibrate is a yearly conference for new engineering managers hosted by seasoned engineering managers. The experience level of the speakers ranges from newcomers all the way through senior engineering leaders with over twenty years of experience in the field. Each speaker is greatly concerned about the craft of engineering management. Organized and hosted by Sharethrough, it was conducted yearly in September, from 2015-2019 in San Francisco, California.

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Frank Maguire
VP of Insights, Strategy & Sustainability

About the Author

Frank has spent over a decade at Sharethrough conducting research to better understand how humans respond to advertising to help brands and agencies adapt their unique advertising challenges to ever-evolving media consumption behaviors. In order to accelerate sustainability initiatives at Sharethrough and across the advertising industry, he recently completed his “Sustainability in Business” certification from Harvard Business School. He has also led multiple sustainability initiatives, including helping to launch the ad industry’s first Green Media Product “GreenPMPs,” hosting the advertising industry’s first Green Media Summit and speaking at Climate Week NYC. He is a digital advertising industry veteran, beginning his career working for clients including Nestle, Pfizer and Wyndham on the agency side and then opening up and growing Sharethrough’s East Coast headquarters in NYC.

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